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Get Support from an Austin Motorcycle Accident Lawyer Now

Negligence on the road is extremely common, which explains why more than six million car crashes occur in the United States every year. No one is safe from severe injuries and damages in auto accidents, but motorcyclists are by far one of the most vulnerable groups of people. According to the National Highway Transportation and Safety Administration (NHTSA), motorcyclists are nearly 28 times more likely than people in passenger vehicles to die in crashes.

If you’ve been involved in a motorcycle accident in Austin, securing experienced legal help promptly is crucial. An experienced Austin motorcycle accident lawyer can guide you through your rights, the necessary steps to take post-accident, and how to handle the complexities of insurance and compensation claims.

After a motorcycle accident, you’re likely suffering from catastrophic injuries and facing a mountain of medical bills and property damage expenses. You shouldn’t have to pay for it if your accident was caused by someone else’s negligence. Chris Morrow Law, PLLC’s own Austin motorcycle accident lawyer has the experience needed to protect your rights to compensation. By holding at-fault drivers and other parties liable, we can secure the financial reward you’re entitled to following a harrowing experience. Fill out our online form to get in touch with Chris Morrow, or call us at 512-520-8100. We offer free consultations and can meet with you at any time of day. Your path to recovery is important, and we’re here to navigate it with you.

Austin Motorcycle Accident Claims with Legal Guidance

Motorcycle accidents can undeniably trigger severe injuries, hefty medical bills, and a long recovery period. Amid such chaotic and confusing circumstances, the support of experienced motorcycle accident attorneys becomes instrumental. At Chris Morrow Law, PLLC, our experienced motorcycle accident lawyers provide comprehensive legal assistance from the initial case evaluation to securing compensation for victims of motorcycle accidents.

Our firm is dedicated to understanding and safeguarding the rights of our clients, helping them navigate the complexities of the legal system. We acknowledge that a timely case evaluation is consequential, given that the statute of limitations can influence a claim’s viability. We also understand the need to establish liability as a core aspect of our legal services. Factors such as the severity of injuries, long-term impact, and the degree of fault influence the compensation victims may receive, and we ensure that these elements are adequately represented.

At Chris Morrow Law, PLLC, our clients’ interests are our primary focus. We handle dealings with insurance companies while they concentrate on their recovery, even pushing for lawsuits when needed to secure fair settlements. With our legal guidance, your path toward financial recovery becomes less daunting, allowing you to focus on what truly matters: your physical recovery.

Understanding Your Rights After a Motorcycle Crash

Motorcyclists in Texas share the same rights as any other motorist on the roadways, including the right to fair compensation when injured due to someone else’s negligence. Therefore, injured motorcyclists must work with Austin motorcycle accident attorneys, like Chris Morrow Law, PLLC, who know how to effectively represent their rights in Austin to ensure they are fully protected.

Steps to Take Following an Austin Motorcycle Accident

The minutes and hours following a motorcycle accident can be chaotic and overwhelming. However, the actions you take during this time can significantly impact the outcome of your motorcycle accident case. The initial and pivotal step involves seeking immediate medical attention to treat and document all injuries. Prompt medical care not only facilitates your physical recovery but also provides crucial documentation of your injuries, which can be invaluable when pursuing a claim.

It’s ideal to follow these steps after an accident:

  1. Call law enforcement to the scene of the accident so they can create an official report, a critical piece of evidence for any future legal claims.
  2. Collect as much information as possible, including contact details and insurance information from all parties involved in the accident.
  3. Secure statements from witnesses to help establish an objective account of events.
  4. Keep in mind that you should avoid admitting fault at the accident scene and steer clear of speaking to other parties’ insurance companies. Let your attorney from Chris Morrow Law, PLLC handle the communications instead.

Securing Evidence for Your Motorcycle Accident Case

Collecting accurate and detailed evidence is critical in motorcycle accident cases since it aids in determining liability by identifying the party responsible for the crash. By gathering comprehensive evidence, you can validate financial losses such as medical expenses and lost income. A lack of evidence may lead to insurance companies denying claims, leaving accident victims without the necessary funds to cover financial losses.

Key evidence to collect includes:

  • Police reports
  • Personal information of those involved
  • Photographs and videos of the scene
  • Witness testimonies
  • Documentation of all crash-related expenses

With a thorough collection of evidence, you can strengthen your claim and increase your chances of obtaining the compensation you deserve.

Compensation You May Be Entitled To After a Motorcycle Accident

In the aftermath of a motorcycle crash, your primary concerns are likely to be your physical recovery and coping with the emotional trauma. With mounting medical bills and potential income loss, understanding the compensation you might be eligible for becomes critical. As a motorcycle accident victim, you can seek compensation for a variety of damages, including economic losses like medical costs and lost wages, as well as non-economic losses such as pain and suffering.

Economic damages resulting from a motorcycle accident can cover a broad spectrum of financial burdens. When accidents result in serious, long-term injuries, compensation can be sought for future medical care requirements and life care plans, ensuring that victims are financially supported for ongoing costs.

Non-economic damages awarded to motorcycle accident victims may include compensation for various damages. These are losses that do not have a specific monetary value but significantly impact the quality of life of the victim. While the assessment of non-economic damages is usually subjective, they constitute a considerable part of the overall compensation granted to an accident victim.

Chris Morrow believes clients shouldn’t be expected to front their own costs when they’ve suffered so much already. He has nearly 30 years of litigation experience that he can put to work to build your case and obtain the compensation you’re legally entitled to.

Our motorcycle accident attorney in Austin at Chris Morrow Law, PLLC has well over two decades of experience defending clients in Austin and throughout Texas.

Economic Damages: Medical Bills and More

Economic damages in motorcycle accident cases include:

  • Medical treatment
  • Physical therapy
  • Medication
  • Medical devices
  • Transport expenses
  • Loss of income
  • Motorcycle repair or replacement
  • Other out-of-pocket expenses

These are tangible costs that you can calculate and provide evidence for, such as bills, receipts, and wage statements.

Victims with serious injuries may need life-long medical care including physical therapy and rehabilitation, with significant costs for medical equipment, home modifications, and assistive technology, all supported by detailed medical documentation. In addition, serious motorcycle accident injuries can lead to the inability to work, resulting in loss of income and future earnings, adding financial burden during a time of high medical expenses.

Survivors of motorcycle accidents also incur costs from repairing or replacing their vehicle alongside other related expenses.

Non-Economic Damages: Pain, Suffering, and Beyond

Non-economic damages refer to losses that do not have a specific monetary value and can include compensation for:

  • physical pain and suffering
  • emotional anguish
  • loss of enjoyment of life
  • permanent disfigurement
  • disability associated with a motorcycle accident

These damages are often more challenging to quantify than economic damages, but they can have a profound impact on the victim’s quality of life.

Motorcycle accident victims can claim compensation for mental distress involving anxiety, depression, and sleep disturbances, particularly in cases of severe and enduring injuries, such as paralysis or cognitive impairment, which can significantly enhance the valuation of pain and suffering in a claim.

Loss of consortium addresses the negative impact on a victim’s relationships with their spouse or family due to the injuries sustained in the motorcycle accident.

When Punitive Damages Apply

In some extreme instances of negligence or intentional harm, punitive damages might be granted. Punitive damages are not designed to compensate for injuries but to punish the at-fault party for their actions. These damages may be pursued in instances of:

  • extreme negligence
  • intentional harm
  • road rage incidents
  • when the defendant is driving under the influence

The awarding of punitive damages is based on factors such as the level of egregiousness, intentionality, or malice in the defendant’s conduct, to serve as a deterrent for future misconduct.

Identifying Liable Parties in Austin Motorcycle Accidents

Over the years, there has been a lot of debate over the dangers of motorcycles. Many people associate motorcyclists with risk-taking adrenaline junkies who don’t value their safety or the safety of others. However, many motorcycle accidents in Texas are caused not by riders, but by negligent drivers of passenger vehicles. The first step to justice is to identify who is at fault.

Identifying who is at fault following a motorcycle accident can be a complicated task. In Austin, Texas, liable parties in motorcycle accidents can include:

  • Motorcyclists
  • Drivers of passenger vehicles and trucks
  • Bicyclists
  • Pedestrians
  • Employers of negligent parties
  • Property owners
  • Government agencies
  • Vehicle manufacturers

Understanding who might be at fault in your accident is a crucial step in pursuing compensation.

If someone contributes, whether indirectly or directly, to a motorcycle crash, they may be held accountable for any damages that occur as a result. It is important to be mindful of one’s actions to prevent any potential negative consequences. This includes vehicle manufacturers who may be liable for motorcycle accidents if the incident was due to defective vehicles or safety equipment. In product liability cases involving motorcycle products, plaintiffs often sue multiple parties in the distribution chain, from the product manufacturer to the retailer.

Motorcyclists are entitled to a safe presence on the road, and their rights are protected; infringement of these rights by other drivers may result in accidents and injuries. Identifying who is at fault in your accident can provide a better understanding of your rights and the compensation you might be eligible for.

Driver Negligence and Motorcycle Crashes

Driver negligence is a leading cause of motorcycle accidents. Drivers can be held liable for motorcycle accidents due to various forms of negligence, such as:

  • speeding
  • being distracted or intoxicated
  • fatigue
  • unsafe turning
  • failing to yield the right of way

Negligent actions can still be a factor in no-contact motorcycle accidents where a motorcyclist must swerve, fall, or lay down the bike to avoid a collision, often due to careless, aggressive, or reckless behaviors by a driver.

These types of driver negligence, including speeding, distracted driving, and impaired driving, are common causes contributing to motorcycle accidents in Austin. It’s crucial to work with an experienced motorcycle accident attorney who can thoroughly investigate your accident, determine if driver negligence was a factor, and hold the responsible party accountable.

However, drivers aren’t always responsible for accidents and injuries. Sometimes motorcyclists will crash because of a bike defect or some faulty part, from their gears to their braking system. In these instances, the motorcycle manufacturer or designer could be held responsible and have to issue recalls of the specific part that is dangerous. Motorcyclists can also crash when they travel over broken roads with a lot of gravel and lose control – in these cases, the entity responsible for maintaining public roads can be at fault.

Because motorcycle accidents can be complex, it’s beneficial to have an Austin motorcycle accident lawyer such as Chris Morrow Law, PLLC on your side who can thoroughly investigate the circumstances of your accident.

Manufacturer Liability for Defective Motorcycle Parts

Motorcycle manufacturers have a crucial responsibility to ensure their products are safe and devoid of defects. When a motorcycle accident is caused by a defective or faulty part, the manufacturer may be held liable. Product liability claims concerning motorcycles generally fall into three categories: design defects, manufacturing defects, and marketing defects.

To assert manufacturer liability, the plaintiff is required to prove the motorcycle had a defect, the defect was the cause of the injury, and the motorcycle was used in the manner intended by the manufacturer. Motorcycle manufacturers are liable for accidents caused by defective or faulty parts and may be required to issue recalls to address these hazards.

Road Maintenance Entities and Motorcycle Safety

Poor road conditions can pose significant hazards to motorcyclists, and entities responsible for road maintenance can be held liable for accidents caused by these conditions. Government agencies may be held liable for motorcycle accidents that occur due to road defects or poor maintenance. If motorcyclists crash due to poor lighting conditions, the entities responsible for ensuring adequate street lighting can be held liable if it can be shown that the lack of proper lighting contributed to the accident.

Similarly, if motorcyclists crash on broken roads with gravel, the entity responsible for maintaining public roads can be at fault. The entity in charge of road design and maintenance could potentially be liable when a motorcyclist loses control and crashes due to road design or maintenance issues. However, identifying road maintenance entities as liable parties requires a thorough investigation to link the accident to the condition of the road at the time of the crash.

The Impact of Serious Injuries on Your Motorcycle Accident Claim

Motorcycle accidents can result in serious injuries with long-term consequences. In 2020, over 1,800 motorcyclists in Texas were seriously injured, suggesting a significant prevalence of serious injuries in motorcycle accidents. Grave injuries suffered by motorcyclists commonly include spinal cord injuries and traumatic brain injuries. These serious injuries, due to the greater damages they involve, can substantially increase the overall value of a motorcycle accident claim.

Motorcyclists in Texas face severe risks on the road, as evidenced by the following statistics:

  • Motorcyclists constitute 1.4% of all motor vehicle crashes
  • Motorcyclists account for 12% of all vehicle-related fatalities
  • Nearly one-third of motorcycle crashes result in serious injury or death

These statistics highlight the importance of motorcycle safety, the potential for significant personal injury claims, and the need to be aware of common motorcycle accident injuries, as well as motorcycle fatalities.

Long-Term Consequences of Motorcycle Accident Injuries

Serious injuries from a motorcycle accident can lead to severe long-term consequences for victims. Some of these consequences include:

  • Spinal cord injuries, which can lead to life-altering conditions such as paralysis and the necessity for lifelong care.
  • Memory loss, loss of cognitive abilities, and significant behavioral changes.
  • Traumatic brain injury, which may require permanent life support or continuous nursing care.

Injury-related disabilities may necessitate home and vehicle modifications, impacting the victim’s financial situation. Serious injuries may prevent victims from returning to their prior work, necessitating a career change and possibly further education or retraining. Future economic damages can include covering ongoing medical care and the reduced earning capacity due to the injuries. Understanding these long-term consequences is crucial in ensuring that you receive the compensation you deserve.

How Medical Records Strengthen Your Case

Seeking prompt medical care after an accident ensures the documentation of injuries and helps establish their severity through objective medical records. These records play a crucial role in creating a causal relationship between the motorcycle accident and the victim’s injuries, a critical element in a personal injury case.

The medical records for a motorcycle accident case can include:

  • Diagnosis details
  • Treatment records
  • Medical bills
  • Imaging studies
  • Medical provider reports
  • Rehabilitation records

Complementing medical records with a personal injury journal, organized documentation, and tracking of recovery can demonstrate proactive management of the injury and strengthen the injury claim.

Texas Motorcycle Laws and Their Role in Your Case

Texas has some specific motorcycle laws that may impact your personal injury claim after an accident, for better or for worse. The state has its own helmet law, for instance, which requires motorcyclists to wear helmets if they’re under the age of 21. Riders over 21 can forgo a helmet if they have insurance coverage or certification. When it comes to carrying passengers, no one under the age of five can ride on a motorcycle.

Some states have laws prohibiting lane splitting, a dangerous practice that involves motorcyclists passing other vehicles by weaving in and out of traffic between cars. However, Texas doesn’t prohibit lane splitting, meaning that if a motorcyclist is involved in a car accident, other drivers and passengers can’t incite any lane-splitting law that would blame the motorcyclist. Our Austin motorcycle accident lawyer from Chris Morrow Law, PLLC is a Texas local who knows all our state laws regarding motorcycles and can use them to defend you after an accident caused by someone else.

Understanding Helmet Laws in Austin

One of the critical laws that motorcyclists should be aware of is the helmet law in Austin. In Texas, the law mandates that motorcycle riders under 21 must wear a helmet for safety reasons. This requirement is put in place to protect younger riders from potential head injuries in the event of an accident. Riders over 21 can legally ride without a helmet only if they have completed a motorcycle operator training and safety course and possess health insurance covering motorcycle accident injuries.

It’s important to note that not wearing a helmet could be construed by insurance companies as negligence and used to challenge a claim.

The Legality of Lane Splitting in Texas

Another important law to be aware of is the one concerning lane splitting. According to the revised Texas transportation code, motorcycles are entitled to occupy a full lane, and this right cannot be infringed upon by other vehicles. Motorcyclists in Texas are now prohibited from operating between lanes of traffic or overtaking another vehicle in the same lane.

Why Insurance Company Calls Should Be Handled with Caution

Receiving calls from insurance companies is a common occurrence after a motorcycle accident. Nonetheless, these calls should be approached with caution. Motorcycle accident victims should direct any calls from insurance companies to their Texas motorcycle accident lawyers at Chris Morrow Law, PLLC, or to their own insurance provider to prevent the possibility of self-incrimination or undermining their case.

Keep in mind that insurance companies often show little concern for the claimant’s well-being. Communicating with them directly without legal representation can adversely affect the compensation you could receive.

The Tactics Insurance Companies Use Against You

Insurance companies often employ various tactics to minimize their payout. Adjusters may try to settle claims swiftly, especially before the full extent of future medical expenses becomes clear. They often cultivate a friendly persona to gain trust and encourage claimants to disclose information that can be used to offer lower settlements.

Adjusters may use intimidation tactics such as implying legal requirements for recorded statements to be taken, even when it’s not mandated by law. Be aware of these tactics and make sure to have your attorney handle any communications with insurance companies.

Communicating with Insurance Adjusters: Let Us Take the Lead

Claimants should avoid speaking directly to insurance adjusters, as they can elicit statements that may harm the case, but an attorney from Chris Morrow Law, PLLC can navigate these conversations while preventing any self-incriminating statements. An attorney understands the full scope of the claimant’s situation, ensuring their case is valued fairly to include long-term medical needs and the emotional impact of their injury.

Having a personal injury attorney to handle communications with adjusters prevents intimidation tactics and guarantees that the claimant’s rights and interests remain a priority throughout the insurance claim process.

The Statute of Limitations for Filing a Motorcycle Injury Claim in Texas

Each state establishes a deadline for filing personal injury claims, referred to as the statute of limitations. The general statute of limitations for personal injury claims, including motorcycle injury claims, in Texas, is two years from the date of the accident. However, there are certain scenarios where the statute of limitations can be extended, such as when the victim is a minor, the at-fault party leaves the state, or the injury or fault was not initially known by the victim.

It’s critical to understand the statute of limitations for your case, as missing this deadline generally results in the loss of your right to seek compensation from the party responsible for the injury. Therefore, prompt action in filing a motorcycle injury claim is essential to ensure that the opportunity to recover compensation does not expire with the statute of limitations.

How Chris Morrow Law, PLLC Stands by Your Side

At Chris Morrow Law, PLLC, we comprehend the stress and uncertainty ensuing from a motorcycle accident. To help you navigate this challenging time, we offer a free, no-obligation consultation for clients to discuss the specifics of their motorcycle accident case. Our firm has extensive experience in representing motorcyclists who have sustained injuries in accidents.

No Win, No Fee Commitment

We hold the belief that everyone, irrespective of their financial situation, deserves access to legal representation. That’s why our attorneys handle cases on a contingency fee basis, which means you pay no legal fees unless we successfully secure compensation for your losses.

This no-win, no-fee commitment ensures that you can pursue justice and compensation without financial risk.

Our Client-Centered Approach

Our firm is committed to delivering client-centered legal services. Building trustworthy, transparent, and equitable long-term relationships with our clients is our priority, fostering trust and enhancing client satisfaction. Personalized legal advice is offered to suit the unique circumstances of each motorcycle accident case, including handling the complexities of dealing with insurance companies, thus alleviating stress for clients.

We keep our clients well-informed with regular communication and updates, ensuring they understand each step of their case without feeling left in the dark. Austin-based attorneys are celebrated for their professionalism, punctuality, and attention to detail, which has led to them securing settlements for clients that exceed expectations and obtaining favorable results in challenging cases.

Chris Morrow Law, PLLC – The Lawyer That Works

At Chris Morrow Law, PLLC, we want legal representation to be available to all, no matter what their situation. Our passion is seeking the fair and reasonable treatment, compensation, and justice you deserve. We will work tirelessly around the clock to ensure you have the highest chance of success. 

Our attorneys have a long history of successful cases, and our long list of happy clients speaks for itself. We are as skilled in the courtroom as we are outside of it, so you can rest easy knowing that we are the right team for the job, whether that is seeking a quick and fair settlement or going the distance in court. 

Our team of highly experienced Austin motorcycle accident lawyers has been fighting compassionately on behalf of our clients since 1994, giving us over 25 years of experience. Give us a call today at 512-520-8100.

Frequently Asked Questions

Who can be held responsible for motorcycle accidents caused by bike defects or faulty parts?

The motorcycle manufacturer or designer is typically responsible for accidents caused by bike defects or faulty parts, and they may have to issue recalls for unsafe components.

Who can be at fault for motorcycle accidents that occur on broken roads with gravel?

The entity responsible for maintaining public roads can be at fault for motorcycle accidents that occur on broken roads with gravel. It is important to consider their responsibility in such cases.

What can a personal injury attorney from Chris Morrow Law, PLLC do for you?

A personal injury attorney from Chris Morrow Law, PLLC can provide essential legal assistance if you’ve been injured due to someone else’s negligence or intentional actions. We can navigate the complexities of personal injury law, helping you understand your rights and potential courses of action. Our attorneys are experienced in negotiating with insurance companies to secure fair compensation for medical expenses, lost wages, and pain and suffering.

Speak with Chris Morrow Today

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Practice Areas

Car Accidents

Car Accidents

Motorcycle Accidents

Motorcycle Accidents

Pedestrian Accidents

Pedestrian Accidents

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Premises Liability

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Truck Accidents

Work Injuries

Work Injuries

Wrongful Death

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